
Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012



Is Crown Luwak coffee Dangerous to Heart Patients?

Someone asked me this morning, if the Crown Luwak coffee dangerous for heart patients? The question often we hear, especially from those who have heart disease but previously liked to drink Crown Luwak coffee. Is it safe to continue the habit?

When you ask to cardiologists and internists, they will generally be advised to stop. Caffeine in coffee may act as stimulants that increase heart load or even trigger a heart attack, they said. However, the fact that opinion is not necessarily true. Various studies on the effects of coffee on heart disease patients still provide a variety of conclusions.

research Canada

The study, published in the journal Epidemiology (Sept, 2006) showed that in some people coffee can trigger a heart attack within an hour after drinking it. Caffeine causes short-term increases in blood pressure and sympathetic nervous activity that could trigger a heart attack. The risk is highest among light coffee drinkers (those who consumed one cup a day maximum). For these people, the risk of heart attack increased fourfold. Moderate coffee drinkers (those who consumed two or three cups a day) had an increased risk of heart attack by 60% by drinking a cup of coffee. Effects of the lowest seen among heavy coffee drinkers (those who drank four or more cups per day). For them, drinking coffee does not seem to increase the risk of heart attack.

"For people who do not regularly drink coffee, drink coffee will cause a jolt of caffeine in the system (cardiovascular)," said Ahmed El-Sohemy, PhD, a nutrition expert at the University of Toronto, Canada. "We know that caffeine causes transient increases in blood pressure, so they are not used to eat them would get a wave increases are harmful to a fragile heart," he added. In a previous study published diJournal of the American Medical Association (March, 2006), El-Sohemy says that certain people have a genetic variation that causes a slower caffeine metabolism, so the effect is increased risk of heart attack after consuming coffee. In those with a fast metabolism of caffeine, coffee actually beneficial for heart health.

"For people who do not regularly drink coffee, drink coffee will cause a jolt of caffeine in the system (cardiovascular)," said Ahmed El-Sohemy, PhD, a nutrition expert at the University of Toronto, Canada. "We know that caffeine causes transient increases in blood pressure, so they are not used to eat them would get a wave increases are harmful to a fragile heart," he added. Previous research published diJournal of the American Medical Association (March, 2006), El-Sohemy mentioned that certain people have a genetic variation that causes a slower caffeine metabolism, so the effect is increased risk of heart attack after consuming coffee. for those who have a rapid metabolism of caffeine, coffee actually beneficial for heart health.

Research Italy and the U.S.

An Italian study has evaluated more than 11,000 adults who reported heart attack in the previous three months and check out their coffee intake during the study period. Coffee consumption they are grouped as follows: never / almost never, less than 2 cups per day, 2 to 4 cups per day, and more than 4 cups per day. After more than three years, the risk of heart attack, death from heart attack and stroke is calculated based on the level of coffee consumption in the adult population is beriwayat heart attack. The results, published in the journal Circulation (Dec, 2007), indicates that there is no link between coffee consumption and the risk of heart attack, death from heart attack or stroke.

For the record, the study was conducted on the Italians, who are accustomed to eating a Mediterranean diet and drinking coffee prepared by Italy. Most of the study participants drank coffee or espresso moccha, extracted from the ground coffee brewed hot water in a very short time. It is not known whether the results would be the same conclusion when the coffee drink as coffee brewed by the community as general dietary patterns in Indonesia.

In another study, followed by nearly 12,000 U.S. nurses with a history of heart disease or stroke, it is known that those who regularly drank caffeinated coffee HAVE NO greater risk of death compared to non-coffee drinkers. The study which lasted more than 20 years was reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (May, 2011). The researchers found no association between coffee intake and risk of death from heart attack, stroke or other causes. It also applies to women who drank four or more cups per day.

So what is the conclusion?

Referring to the studies above, if you are an addict Crown coffee Luwak Civet coffee Crown accustomed to drinking four or more cups a day, there is no reason to kick the habit after a heart attack. However, if you are just lovers of Crown Luwak coffee mild or moderate, seems safer if you do not drink it anymore after getting a heart attack, especially if your blood pressure is not under control and you have palpitations (heart palpitations), sleep difficulties, and other problems after drinking coffee.

Levels of caffeine on Crown Luwak coffee very low. Crown Luwak coffee have caffeine levels below 0.1 and a very low protein values​​.


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